De Bry Rare Books
Pars Quarta Indiae Orientalis AND Quinta Pars Indiae Orientalis - Part 4 and 5 Petits Voyages - De Bry - Linschoten, Houtman, Van Neck
Pars Quarta Indiae Orientalis AND Quinta Pars Indiae Orientalis - Part 4 and 5 Petits Voyages - De Bry - Linschoten, Houtman, Van Neck
"Pars Quarta Indiae Orientalis: qua primum varij generis animalia, fructus, arbores: item, aromata seu species & materialia: similiter & margarita seu vniones, ac gemmarum species pleraeq[ue]; sicut in..." - Part 4 of De Bry's Petits Voyages
-1st Latin Edition - Theodore De Bry - 1601
-Complete Part 4 of De Bry's Petit's voyages
-Complete text section (TP, [3], 1-111, Letterpress Title Page to Plates, 21 (of 21) Illustrations )
"Quinta Pars Indiae Orientalis, qua continetur vera et accurata descriptio universae navigationis illius quam Hollandi . in terras Orientales, praecipue vero in Javanas et Moluccanas insulas, Bantam, Bandam et Ternatem, etc. susceperunt . Opus belgica lingua primo editum, postea germanico idiomate puriore redditum, et ex hoc jam latio donatum a Bilidalbo Strobaeo . Adjectae sunt . tabulae seu icones . in aes incisae et editae a Jo. Theod. et Jo. Israele de Bry fratribus".
-Johann Israel and Theodore DE BRY
-1601 - 1st Latin Edition of Part 5 of the Petits Voyages
-Complete: 20 (of 20) fine engraved plates with a preceding title page. Collation [8], 60, [2], Letterpress title to plates, 20 plates.
Plates 1-34 to Part 3 of De Bry's Voyages - Linschoten's voyage to the East
[1], XXXIV (of LVII), blank,
Text only to part 6 of De Bry's petits voyages
[3], [1] blank, 127
Complete Parts 4 and 5 of De Bry's Petits Voyages plus section of plates to part 3 and text only to Part 6.
This contain (Linschoten, Houtman, Van Neck's voyages (Part 4), Van Neck's voyage (part 5), a section of plates to Linschoten's voyage (part 3) and the text to Pieter de Maree's voyage to Guinea (Part 6)
Bound in later 18th century vellum
Very Good condition overall
Further descriptions of each part
Part 4 (complete)
(1) Chapters 45-91 of Linschoten's "Itinerario"
Linschoten's famous account of his time in Goa, published on his return to Holland. It stimulated Dutch exploration of the East, describing the animals, fruits, spices, drugs and precious stones. When first published the work was a sensation as it contained information not previously known.
Chapter titles include:
-Elephant, Rhinoceros, Crocodiles
-Pineapple, Jackfruit, Mangos, Cashew, "Indian fig" (Banana), Durian, Banian tree
-Betel nut, Cannabis, Opium,
-Ginger, cloves, nutmeg, mace, Rhubarb
-Diamonds, Rubies, Emeralds, Pearls
(2) A description of part of Houtman's voyage containing a description of the animals and fruits of the East Indies
Houtman's voyage was the first Dutch expedition to the spice islands. Due to Linschoten's information he sailed through the straight of Sunda, rather than the Malacca straight, to avoid the Portuguese.
(3) Jacob van Neck and Wybrandt van Warwijk - 1598-99.
Van Neck's famous expedition to the spice islands. He brought back one million pounds in weight of pepper and cloves and fueled the Dutch spice trade in Indonesia
The fifth part of De Bry's Petits voyages contains Jacob van Neck and Wybrand van Warwijck's voyage to the East Indies in 1598 - 1600. This voyage established Dutch power in Bantam, in the Spice Islands, and lead to the naming of Mauritius, after Prince Maurice of Nassau. Plates include depictions of ball games, ships, birds and animals and sword fighting on the Moluccan Islands.
Part 5 (complete)
The fifth part of De Bry's Petits voyages contains Jacob van Neck and Wybrand van Warwijck's voyage to the East Indies in 1598 - 1600. This voyage established Dutch power in Bantam, in the Spice Islands, and lead to the naming of Mauritius, after Prince Maurice of Nassau. Plates include depictions of ball games, ships, birds and animals and sword fighting on the Moluccan Islands.
Part 3 plates
Plates describe chapters 92-100 of Linschoten's Itinerario
Most plates depict Indonesia including a single page map of Bantam and a double page map of Bantam market plus pictures of the peoples of the area.
Part 6 text
Pieter de Maree's voyage to Guinea
(More photos on request)