Tertia Pars Indiae Orientalis - Part 3 of De Bry's Petits Voyages - Linschoten / Houtman / De Veer
Tertia Pars Indiae Orientalis - Part 3 of De Bry's Petits Voyages - Linschoten / Houtman / De Veer
"Tertia Pars Indiae Orientalis”
-Voyages of Linschoten, Houtman and De Veer
-Part Three of De Bry's Petitis Voyages
-Published in Frankfurt in 1601.
-First edition, first issue, with the map of Nova Zembla on the verso of plate 58.
-Fifty-eight (of fifty-eight) plates and three (of six) maps. Lacking the 3 maps "Insulae D Helenae", "Delineatio cartae trium navigationum" and the "Descriptio Hydrographica,"
-Modern Vellum binding in excellent condition.
This part contains a description of Linschoten's voyage to the East and his return via the Azores. The second section contains an account of Cornelius de Houtman's pioneering voyage to the East Indies of 1595-97 which was instrumental in opening the spice trade to the Dutch). The last part is the famous voyage of Gerit de Veer's in search of a northeast passage in 1594-96.